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Village Council Organizational Meeting

Due to the COVID-19 epidemic and in accordance with social distancing protocols, most (but not necessarily all) of Village of Galena’s public meetings will be live-streamed. This way, the public may observe and listen to the proceedings via the Internet or telephone without having to gather in-person at the village hall. To connect via the Internet, click on the link provided below. To connect via telephone, use the phone number provided below. The platform being used in this instance is Zoom. If this is your first time using Zoom, after clicking the link or dialing the phone number, you will be prompted to enter the Meeting ID and/or Password, both of which are given below.

Instructions for joining the meeting via Zoom:

Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.



Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 858 5247 3871

Passcode: 885398

One tap mobile

+19294362866,,85852473871#,,,,*885398# US (New York)

+13017158592,,85852473871#,,,,*885398# US (Washington DC)


Meeting ID: 858 5247 3871

Passcode: 885398

Find your local number:

August 17

Planning & Zoning Meeting

August 29

Village Council Meeting - Special Meeting to Discuss New Playground