Galena Cemetery is fascinating from a historical standpoint.

The Galena Cemetery contains some graves dating back to the mid to late 1700s. Veterans from every major war in America’s history are interred here including ten soldiers from the American Revolution. One can also observe headstones bearing the family names for which local roads were named such as Dustin, Plumb, and Alexander. Early history of the cemetery indicates it had fallen into disarray with overgrown briar patches. After some wandering sheep at the excessive vegetation, residents wanted to maintain the manicured cemetery, so caretakers were assigned.

In the 1950s approximately 300 graves were moved up the hill towards Walnut Street due to the construction of Hoover Reservoir and the expansion of water in Little Walnut Creek.

2024 marked the 100th consecutive year that veterans’ graves have been decorated with flags every Memorial Day thanks to members of the Bricker family.

The Galena Historic Foundation maintains documentation about the historical background of individuals buried here. The Village began operating the historic Galena Cemetery, at 255 N. Walnut Street in 2016. See Galena Cemetery Rules & Fees to help you with planning your cemetery needs. To buy a grave space, schedule a burial, or for other cemetery needs and information, contact the Village offices at 740-965-2484.