Planning & Zoning Commission Vacancies.
Members of Galena’s Planning & Zoning Commission are appointed to serve three-year terms. However, a situation may arise whereby a Commission seat is vacated during a term.
To be eligible for a seat on the Planning and Zoning Commission, candidates must meet the following criteria:
Presently live within the Village;
Must have lived in the Village for at least one year.
Those interested in being considered to fill a vacated Commission seat should refer to the following documents:
Village of Galena’s Planning & Zoning Commission Member Appointment Process
Village of Galena’s Planning & Zoning Commission Member Application Form
Applications should be submitted to the Mayor via any of the following methods:
Via US Mail to: PO Box 386, Galena, Ohio 43021
Via email to: mayor@galenaohio.gov
Drop it off at the Village Hall, 109 Harrison Street, during office hours.
Questions? Call the village hall at 740-965-2484.
Qualified applicants for employment are considered for available positions without regard to race, religion, color, gender, national origin, age, disability or other legally protected status.